Resources ✊🏿✊🏾✊🏽✊🏼✊🏻

Like us, we know that you, our Dyspets, are devastated by yet another senseless murder of an innocent BIPOC. As white allies, we understand money is a powerful means of support, in conjunction with educating ourselves and being willing to say the opinions we put on social media IRL to our friends, family and beyond. This resource list is us using our platform to share what needs to be shared.


From the day we were born, we were privileged - afforded more opportunity and freedom than others based purely on our skin colour. We need to have the hard conversations. Pull up a friend or family member if you hear them sympathising with systemic racial injustices. Pull up yourself. Challenge yourself. Black lives matter. Black voices matter.


It is our job and responsibility to share those voices. To listen to those voices. If you have a platform, use it. If you can, donate. If you can’t, read and research. @ihartericka has a selection of useful books in her highlights (please DO NOT purchase from Amazon!). Google reparations. Attend protests and rallies and protect black and brown bodies. Volunteer.


We've made donations to Common Ground Australia and Black Lives Matter. This page is our means of getting links out there. If you are a BIPOC small business owner or artist etc please DM, comment or tag us → with your URL, we want to support you! You can also email us → any resources so we can continue to donate and build awareness #nojusticenopeace